How To Get the Most Value from Working with Voice Lawyers

We understand that consulting a lawyer for legal support can be a daunting prospect, particularly if you’ve never had to do so before. And it can be hard to navigate the process, to ensure you are getting the best value from your experience and will reach the desired outcome.

We’ve provided this simple guide to help you to know how to approach your relationship with us, in order to get the most out of it:

  • Preparation is key. Make sure you are clear on what you want to discuss with us and provide accurate and organised information. Collate in writing in one email what the issues are that you need to discuss, and include all relevant materials, rather than sending in numerous individual communications. This means you’ll be able to discuss these clearly and coherently with the legal team.

  • Understand that legal advice does come at a cost. We are fully trained professionals who are experts in legal issues and as such our time needs to be valued appropriately and are unable to offer free consultations. We will, however, guide you on the most suitable path forward to ensure you receive the outcome you are looking for. The more information you can provide to us, the more efficient our time together will be.

  • Prioritise - if you have a number of legal issues you need advice on, detail these out in priority order but collate them all together - then schedule a time to go through them. Try and avoid a scattergun approach as this will just risk wasting yours and the lawyer’s time.

  • Make an appointment - consider booking in for a 30-minute session - it may end up being more cost-effective than multiple calls and emails - and will help with relationship building and ensure we have everything we need from you to progress further.

  • Be prepared to be honest - even if the truth doesn’t picture you in the most flattering light, or maybe embarrassing, but holding back information or telling a few white lies can lead to delays in your case, double or triple handling of information, slow communications or create a layer in the flow of the process. Remember: we are here to help you!

  • Don’t always expect to speak to the firm’s key lawyer. Often we will call on other people in the firm who have the skills and qualifications to understand and respond to your query. Remember this is for your benefit, as it reduces costs, try contacting the support staff as your first port of call.

  • Be prepared to respond within a timely fashion. This will help your lawyer, allow actions to be completed quickly and efficiently, and ensure a smoother process.

  • Be patient and understand that there’s a lot of work happening behind the scenes you may not be aware of. Reading information, compiling court documents, filing/serving papers, engaging with third party experts, phone calls, setting up meetings – these are all activities and time that you will be charged for as part of working with your lawyer. If you can invest the time to prepare adequately, this will reduce the law firm’s workload and therefore your bill.

We welcome the opportunity to help you with any legal disputes you may have and guide you on a path to resolving any issue and achieving peace of mind. By being prepared and taking the time to understand the process, you can be confident that your experience with the team at Voice Lawyers can be as stress-free and the relationship be one of mutual positivity.

If you have any questions or issues regarding legal support in an area we specialise in, you can get in contact with us via email or by calling us on (02) 9261 1954

Alternatively, you can book an appointment with Director Kayte Lewis here:

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