Case Study: Empowering Resilience – Michelle's Journey with Voice Lawyers

A blended family matter on Sydney’s Northern Beaches

Family law matters can be complicated and emotionally challenging, and for Michelle (name changed for privacy), her journey began as no exception.

Michelle had initially been married with two children. After that relationship ended, the pair shared custody of the kids as she began a relationship and soon married a new man. With two kids of his own, together they lived as a blended family in a home they bought on Sydney’s Northern Beaches.

Throughout this time, Michelle contributed her efforts to her new spouse's family business while also balancing a nurturing role as a wife and a mother. However, as life's circumstances often do, things took an unexpected turn. The pair quickly found raising a blended family difficult and their bond began to fade, eventually resulting in an amicable divorce which led to the sale of the family home.

No longer employed by the second husband's family business and without a stable income, Michelle faced the daunting challenge of financial instability and the impending necessity to relocate away from the expensive neighbourhood.

An unfortunate turn for the worse

With her former life now behind her, Michelle was confronted with a pivotal decision.

She realised that continuing to live on the Northern Beaches was no longer a viable option due to financial constraints and the absence of a direct support network. Considering a pivotal figure of support, her mother, who lived on the Central Coast, Michelle decided to relocate, embracing a fresh start that would offer stability and suitable schooling for her children who had unique educational needs.

However, the children's father, Michelle's first husband, contested her decision to move. He felt as though she was pulling the kids away from him and that it was unreasonable, and therefore, aggressively demanded custody of their children.

Michelle was now stuck. She was unable to afford life on the Northern Beaches and likewise unable to move to the Central Coast out of fear of the consequences that would be handed down by the father of her children.

This is when Voice Lawyers were able to assist.

The Goal: A Holistic Approach to Legal Counsel

After being referred by a close friend, Michelle reached out to Voice Lawyers as a lifeline, seeking both legal guidance and emotional support to navigate the uncertain waters that lay ahead.

Michelle was desperate for a reliable support system that would not only provide legal expertise but also guide her through the emotional turbulence that accompanies such life-altering decisions. Her goal was to make informed choices that would shape her future and the future of her children and to land an outcome that was in their best interests.

How Voice Lawyers Led Michelle to A Solution

A compassionate approach

With Managing Director and Lead Legal Advisor, Kayte's steady guidance, Michelle embarked on a journey of empowerment and resilience. While the path was arduous, it led to a place of newfound strength and stability.

Initially, Kayte advised a plan that was designed to achieve the best result in the quickest time. However, this meant time away from the kids and Michelle didn’t want to do this. So, Kayte adjusted the strategy based on Michelle’s wishes to ensure that she was comfortable and in control.

Legal strategy and expertise

As time went on, Michelle began to consider the initial proposal made by Kayte. Kayte's dedication to her cause was felt deeply, and Michelle attests that she quickly became confident in Kayte as she consistently stood up for her rights and reassured her that she was fighting for the right reasons and the best intentions.

“Having Kayte by my side felt as though I had a big sister who would stand up for me against the bullies. She always had my interests at heart and so I decided to take her initial advice and bite the bullet.”

Despite the heartache of being physically apart from her children, Michelle placed her trust in the expertise of Voice Lawyers and forged ahead with determination. Soon, Michelle's efforts began to bear fruit. Through her unwavering commitment and Kayte's strategic counsel, Michelle has since secured a home on the Central Coast and achieved shared custody of her children, all outside of the courtroom. The former spouse also contributes financially to support the children's well-being and education, aligning with the best interests of everyone involved.

A fair result to be proud of

Michelle endorses Voice Lawyers with gratitude and admiration. She is thankful for the unwavering support she received throughout the entire process, describing it as being part of a team that genuinely had her back.

The empathetic and pragmatic approach exhibited by everyone at Voice Lawyers reassured Michelle that her demands were not unfounded or unreasonable. She explains that throughout the process, Voice Lawyers empowered her with newfound awareness and perspectives. Furthermore, Kayte and the team’s insights opened her eyes to many tactics of manipulation and coercion that she hadn’t noticed, enabling her to make more informed decisions.

Michelle's journey exemplifies the transformational power of legal support when coupled with empathy and dedication. Through her collaboration with Voice Lawyers, Michelle has emerged with a renewed sense of confidence and purpose. As a testament to the resilience that can be cultivated with the right guidance, Michelle now stands tall and describes herself as feeling validated by her experiences.

Are you struggling with your own family law matter and looking to receive the same guidance and support as Michelle?

If you would like to engage Voice Lawyers to advise you on a family law issue or represent you in court, please contact us to discuss further.

We look forward to hearing from you. Please do not hesitate to contact Voice Lawyers if you have other questions about family law or our other legal services on 02 9261 1954 or email via


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