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Interested in a little extra reading? Check out Voice’s collection of insights and commentary on the legal and business worlds.

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Interested in a little extra reading? Check out Voice’s collection of insights and commentary on the legal and business worlds.

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Interested in a little extra reading? Check out Voice’s collection of insights and commentary on the legal and business worlds.

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Interested in a little extra reading? Check out Voice’s collection of insights and commentary on the legal and business worlds.

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Interested in a little extra reading? Check out Voice’s collection of insights and commentary on the legal and business worlds.
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Overseas Pensions: Asset or Financial Resource in Family Law
Financial resources are a significant aspect of property law matters in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia. Continuing on from our previous articles on financial resources, we wanted to take a look at the recent Family Law case of Trivedi & Awasthi (No. 3), which involved an overseas pension and whether it was an asset or a financial resource.
Case Study: Empowering Resilience – Michelle's Journey with Voice Lawyers
A blended family matter on Sydney’s Northern Beaches
Family law matters can be complicated and emotionally challenging, and for Michelle (name changed for privacy), her journey began as no exception.
Michelle had initially been married with two children. After that relationship ended, the pair shared custody of the kids as she began a relationship and soon married a new man. With two kids of his own, together they lived as a blended family in a home they bought on Sydney’s Northern Beaches.